Friday, May 8, 2009

Home of the Wild

This is the hay barn on our farm. If you look in the front corner on the top bale of hay, you can almost see a Canadian Goose sitting on it's nest. It has been there for several weeks. Sometimes the daddy goose comes and stands guard. He will raise quite a fuss to get you to go away.
Here is a better shot of the momma on her nest!

All 10 grandkids

This past weekend Amanda's family came to visit for the blessing of Reagan. It was their first time "home" since we moved and the kids all had a good time exploring. It was a little rainy and muddy. They got to ride the 4-wheeler and had a sleepover at grandma's.
Seated on the sofa left to right: Johnnie, holding Reagan, Ethan, holding Macquarie, Brock, Amelia, and Lia. On the floor is Brigham, Hayden and Hyrum.